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Business Tips Very insightful IDEAS about Business

1. In Business, you can have about 99 disappointments...

3. But the 1 appointment is what may lift you to your next level.

4. Relationships are key in ensuring business success.

5. The major difference for your business is to necessarily do the following;
* Register your business.
* Keep records of all transactions of your business.
*Keep and maintain all necessary documentation of your business.
* Pay all relevant taxes and keep your records.
*Keep a dedicated 'Store Room' for all your business documentation.

6. Don't be let down with failure.
*Keep the vision.

7. Don't let money break your relationships with your business partners.

8. Seek more information/Innovations/ on your business.
* Think outside the box.

9. Manage information well to the advantage of your business.

10. Don't be too quick to source for bank loans to start your business.
*Begin with 'angel' funds, funds from family and friends, or from own savings.

11. Pay yourself and your workers.
*Don't start spending the company's funds on liabilities (Cars, houses, etc.).

12. Don't be bothered by your business competitors...
*Focus on your strategies and execution power.

13. Don't be over-enthused about your business idea.
*Focus on the execution power and strategies.
-that is what makes the difference between you and your business competitors.