PHP Social Dashboard is a social media management platform that individuals or companies can use to coordinate a social media presence across multiple channels or accounts, through a single interface.
With this application users can have a social media stream including all of their social networking activities with multiple social network profiles displaying in a stylish masonry wall layout and can semi-manage all of them in one place.
This application receives the information through different API web services. Users authorize the app on their websites and the application fetches their social media account’s data and display this information inside their personal account on Social Dashboard platform on their websites.
Our application displays users’ data only to themselves and only after receiving their permission.
It supports 8 and growing social networks including their subset pages or channels and includes about 11 feed options.
Users will be able to post updates to their social accounts, add likes and comments on posts and share their posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Linkedin from their accounts. They will also have the option to reply, re-tweet or favorite the Twitter posts on their wall. They can even filter their social wall by social networks, pages or channels.
They can also change the style of their dashboard using the Layout Options and Skins or change the style of their wall using the Template manager, and make it as they like.
More Features:
- Multi account status post feature.
- Feature to post scheduled status posts.
- Feature to manage schedule posts.
- Status post allowed characters limiter.
- Feature to limit the user registration and user approval by administrator.
- On demand image manipulation for Instagram.
- Load more items button.
- Allowing user to filter the social wall items by networks or specific page or channel.
- Filtering the wall items using a search phrase.
- Caching of social feeds in database to reduce up download time.
- Read more link for long block of texts.
- Opening images & videos in lightbox window.
- Video icon overlay on wall video items.
- Share posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Linkedin from your account.
- Fully documented + all examples.
- 5 built-in wall templates + Template selector.
- Allowing to change the dashboard layout and skins.
- Including photo comments for Facebook.
- Displaying likes & comments for Instagram.
- Loading images over https.
- Processing multiple profiles/users per network.
- Processing multiple page feeds per network.
- Supporting for multibyte character set languages.
- Auto-resize responsive lightbox window.
- Online debug log for administrators.
- Translation ready through .php files.