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BuilderJS - HTML Email & Page Builder

BuilderJS - HTML Email & Page Builder v5.0.7

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5.0.7 / 2024-05-12

* Added: Bootstrap is no longer required, pure HTML is now supported for widgets
* Added: more base templates
* Added: new 'X' icon for former Twitter
* Added: more translation and language support
* Fixed: drag & drop issue with Safari
* Fixed: improved users' experience with drag & drop
* Fixed: reduced nested HTML in widgets, easier to maintain
* Fixed: older Outlook compatibility issues
* Fixed: reduced templates' filesize
* Fixed: PHP 7.3 compatibility issue with sample code
* Fixed: better CSS-inline examples for PHP as server-side scripting
* Fixed: translation typos
* Fixed: image preview issue with certain browser

5.0.6 / 2023-02-08

* Fixed: Outlook 2019 compatibility issues
* Fixed: image rendering issue with certain SVG formats
* Fixed: improved loading performance
* Fixed: duplicate CSS after saving
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility issue with sample code
* Fixed: sub-directory issue with images
* Fixed: more examples to deal with CSS-inline, cloud storage, etc.
* Fixed: more examples in PHP
* Fixed: Thunderbird compatibility issues
* Fixed: improved custom widget API
* Fixed: improved filemanager loading performance
* Fixed: detect 'root' parameter automatically in sample scripts (update)
* Fixed: more widgets and options