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zCart - Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace

zCart - Multi-Vendor eCommerce Marketplace v2.17.1

No permission to download

Version 2.17.0 (15 November 2024)​

+ Stripe integration changed to checkout by stripe hosted page.
+ PDF invoice language support (UTF-8 supported languages)
+ Custom Invoice template with dompdf
+ Added support for SVG images
+ Change Language from Admin panel
+ Option to hide terms and condition checkbox
* Wallet transfer between vendors issue fixed
* Broken logo on admin login page issue fixed
* Fixed csv import issue (for creating variation) for inventory import via csv
* Caching issue for deal of the day fixed.
* Translation error fixed for only one active language.
* Shop page recent items slider and top page slider button click effect fixed.
* Empty shipping method now shows message in settings shipping methods.
* Removed console log error for missing pixel Id.
* Removed console log error for compare plugin.
* Fixed inventory count for brand page where product count for a brand included variant products as separate product.

Updated Plugin:
+ Smart Form
+ Comparison
+ Shippo

Version 2.15.1 (28th April 2024)​

+ Now vendors can add attribute values to any attribute
+ Now you can upload .webp images directly on dropzone
* HTML tag issue on customer message inbox
* Special character issue on state names
* Contact seller button issue on the shop page
* Price range issue on the auction page
= Pickup orders can be fulfilled directly from the order list table
= Reducing some homepage contents to boost loading
= Added 'COLLECT_VISITOR_DATA=false' in env to boost performance, google analytic can be used for similar reports
= Utilised Caching system in a more effective way to boost performance
= After 1st load the query reduced from 106 to just 6 on the homepage loading time
= Improved loading speed by 50-60%
= Improved sitemap.xml generator
= Improved cookie consent UI
= Cookie consent is now for storefront users only

Version 2.15.0 (8th April 2024)​

+ Pickup orders option
+ Vendor can on/off the pickup option on his/her shop
+ Stock can now belong to multiple warehouse
+ Customer account approval system
+ API route added for getting collection of warehouses for specific shops
= New popup UI design for Dynamic popup
= Added “GET VERIFIED“ option at vendor sidebar
= Item search filter improved
= Minor improvements on the default theme UI/UX
= Now vendors can see attributes created by admin
= When you create multiple categories and sub-groups the parent category will be pre-selected for convenience.
* A few permission issues
* CSV upload input number increased on php.ini
* Page update issue on admin panel
* Shipping popover UI issue on product page
* Fixed inventory update issue for updating categories and tags.
* Spelling errors and typo fixes.
* Fixed API for getting product details with for products with attributes.
* Fixed unwanted close button appearing on top right side of screen
* Stripe card number max input characters set to 16.
\ *The PHP’s max_input_vars issue when uplodaing CSV

Updated Plugins:
= Wallet (v-1.5.2)
= Dynamic Pop-up (V-1.1.0)

New Released Plugin:
+ Wholesale (v-1.0.0)

Version 2.15.0 (9 April 2024)​

+ Pickup orders option
+ Vendor can on/off the pickup option on his/her shop
+ Stock can now belong to multiple warehouses
+ Customer account approval system
+ API route added for getting warehouses for specific shops
= New popup UI design for Dynamic popup
= Added “GET VERIFIED“ option at vendor sidebar
= Item search filter improved
= Minor improvements on the default theme UI/UX
= Now vendors can see attributes created by the admin
= When you create multiple categories and sub-groups the parent category will be pre-selected for convenience.
* A few permission issues
* CSV upload input number increased on php.ini
* Page update issue on admin panel
* Shipping popover UI issue on product page
* Fixed inventory update issue for updating categories and tags.
* Spelling errors and typo fixes.
* Fixed API for getting product details with products with attributes.
* Fixed unwanted close button appearing on the top right side of the screen
* Stripe card number max input characters set to 16.
* The PHP’s max_input_vars issue when uploading CSV

Updated Plugins:
= Wallet (v-1.5.2)
= Dynamic Pop-up (V-1.1.0)

New Released Plugin:
+ Wholesale (v-1.0.0)

Version 2.14.0 (26th February 2024)​

+ Admin can bulk deposit money to the customer's wallet from the admin dashboard.
+ Provide your customers with live shipping rate and time estimations
+ Bulk order processing
= No need to configure the wallet plugin at code level
= No need to configure the inspector plugin at the code level
* Fixed issue where digital products didn't show when catalog mode was off
* Fixed dynamic currency issue in generated coupon
* Fixed shipping rate button not being clickable in mobile view
* Appearance of additional 'c' in group and subgroup in Nova theme fixed
* Fixed dynamic currency change issue on some pages
* Top banner delete option added. (Turns off top banner)
* Fixed default theme mobile-mega-menu scroll issue

Version 2.13.0 (24th December 2023)​

+ Catalog enable/disable feature
+ Single login for seller & customer
+ Show digital products separately on merchant stock
+ Data Layer data provided for pixel
+ Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tiktok pixel base code integrated
+ Delivery confirmation using OTP on App
+ Delivery can give feedback for orders on App
+ Option to add to cart all “Frequently Bought Together” items from product page
+ Dynamic height for the mega menu
* Admin site css file mix remove issue fix
* Stock and order database responsive issue fix
* otp login library include issue fix
* Dashboard cancellations page order variable not found issue fix
* Create coupon form coupon generate issue fix
* fix few grammatical issues of text
* customer order detail page translation issue fix
* Customer order cancel item issue fix
* Refund initiate issue fix
* Code show on save button of feedback page issue fix
* Role update issue fix on admin panel
* price filter min and max dynamic value show issue fix
* Vendor billing page responsive issue fix
* attribute duplication issue fix
* Demo reset issue fixed
* Logo show issue fix on product details quickview modal
= Cart feature moved to cookie from session
= Variant edit process
= Inventory form

Update Plugins:
+ Wallet V-1.5.0
* Trending search Keywords V-1.2.1
= Product comparison V-1.0.3
* Iyzico V-1.0.1
= Ajax Search Autocomplete V-1.0.4
+ Google-Analytics V-1.0.3
* Mercado Pago V-1.0.2
* OTP V-1.0.3
+ Live Chat V-1.1.0

Version 2.12.0 (11th October 2023)​

+ Dynamic currency API added
* Cart page currency error fixed
* Added currency id to orders table to handle dynamic currencies
* Theme license issue
* Refund initiate issues
= Default theme box container layout
= Improved the loading time

Update Plugin:
= Dynamic Currency 1.1.0