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XenForo - Compelling Community Platform

XenForo - Compelling Community Platform v2.3.0 Candidate 3

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There is no better platform upon which to grow your community. Engage your customers with the premium community experience. Take advantage of our unrivaled reliability, flexible deployment and data security.

XenForo 2.2.13 Released​

XenForo 2.2.13 is now available for all. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.

In addition to the fixes listed below, we have a few other aces up our sleeves this time around.

Full iOS PWA compatibility with push notification support​

iOS 16.4 finally introduced push notifications for iOS devices. To facilitate this, your members need to install your site as a PWA (by utilising the Add to Home Screen feature in Safari). XenForo 2.2.13 now satisfies all of the prerequisites for this to support push notifications which can be enabled by your members once they log in through the PWA and enable push notifications in their Preferences.

The PWA (progressive web app) has now been enhanced with additional gesture based or UI controls, including pull down to refresh and a floating back button.

Structured data metadata improvements​

With many thanks to Ryan Levering from Google we have made a number of improvements to structured data metadata. Structured data enriches the pages we output with additional information which enables Google and other search engines to better understand the structure of the information that is rendered. This helps Google provide rich search results and helps provide additional context to users who may find your content during their Google searches.

Support for OAuth authentication for Microsoft 365 business email accounts​

Microsoft has deprecated the ability to send emails over SMTP using traditional username/password authentication. This is similar to what Google did a while ago. In light of this we have now added an additional option when setting up either your email transport or automated mail handlers (automated unsubscribe/bounce handling) which will enable you to authenticate with OAuth.

Note: The set up for this is fairly complex, requiring you to set up an Azure Active Directory application within the Azure developer portal. There is a link to the documentation when setting this up.
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  1. XenForo 2.3 Released Full v2.3.0 Candidate 3

    This week in addition to a bunch of bug fixes, we've also been doing a spot of housekeeping in...
  2. XenForo 2.3 Released Full v2.3.0 Candidate 3

    This week in addition to a bunch of bug fixes, we've also been doing a spot of housekeeping in...
  3. XenForo 2.3 Released Full v2.3.0 Candidate 3

    This week in addition to a bunch of bug fixes, we've also been doing a spot of housekeeping in...

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