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Security Plugin for Xilancer - Freelancer Marketplace Platform v1.0.0

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Download Security Plugin for Xilancer - Freelancer Marketplace Platform CodeCanyon 52596173

Welcome to Xilacner, your comprehensive solution for building a dynamic and efficient freelance marketplace. Crafted with the powerful Laravel framework, Xilacner is designed to cater to both freelancers and clients, ensuring a seamless and productive experience for all users. Whether you are aiming to launch a full-scale freelance platform or a niche job-posting site, Xilacner is your go-to choice.

Top Features​

  • Admin can set any words as restricted that he’d like to exclude from the conversation between the client and freelancer.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze specific freelancer chat.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze project create for specific freelancer.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze project edit for specific freelancer.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze withdraw request for specific freelancer.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze specific client chat.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze job create for specific client.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze job edit for specific client.
  • Admin can freeze/unfreeze new order create for specific client.
  • Admin can see the log history (login, logout, account delete, job add, job edit, project add, project edit, password change, edit profile, support ticket, user added by admin, user info edit by admin, freelancer invoice, client invoice, admin invoice, user password change by admin, user account status change by admin, project status change by admin, project delete by admin, withdraw request create, individual user commission setup by admin etc).
  • Log history admin can see the subject, URL, IP address, location, country etc.
  • User can see the restricted words as a warning if he/she tries to send restricted words.
  • User can’t create any action if admin freezes a specific user for a specific task.
  • User can create action again if admin unfreezes a specific user for a specific task.
  • Hiring/Order place freeze for a specific client.
  • Admin can see the restricted word list in the admin panel.
  • Admin can change any restricted word’s status anytime.
First release
Last update
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