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School Management - Education & Learning Management system for WordPress

School Management - Education & Learning Management system for WordPress v10.5.2

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v10.5.0 [16-11-2024]
- Added: Collect payments menu added.
- Fixed: Invoice Total amount was empty on admission.
- Updated: Student discount is have separate database and more detail to admin to track.
- Updated: academic report grade added.
v10.4.9 [18-10-2024]
- Fixed: Student dashboard exam time table issue.
- Fixed: Exam permission issue with only assigned class
- Update: student registration form to display auto-selected subjects and activities updated
  • Version 10.3.9 [06-04-2024]
    - Added: school categories added.
    - Added: lessons permission added.
    - Added: student type is dynamic.
  • Version 10.3.8 [06-03-2024]
    - Fixed: lessions issue fixed.
    - Fixed: Study material issue fixed.
    - Fixed: parent dash issue fixed in fee history.
    - Fixed: QR Code save settings issue fixed.
    - Fixed: Stripe issue fixed.
    - Added: Activity permission.
  • Version 10.3.7 [2-2-2024]
    - Added: bulk delete invoices
    - Added: invoice edit permission.
    - Fixed: transport period issue fixed.
    - Fixed: yearly fees not calculating in student dash.
    - Fixed: school header and logo size fixed.
  • Version 10.3.6 [24-1-2024]
    - Fixed: Pesapal api updated.
    - Changed: transport fare combine with registration fee.
    - Changed: student dash fee counter.
    - Fixed: Fix case sensitivity issue in subject type comparison.
    - changed : Medium list is now dynamic in back-end and student registration.
    - added : sm activity function added with fees.
    - added : sm activity invoice will be created according to fee from student registration.
    - changed : student registration form is organized.
  • Version 10.3.5 [02-1-2024]
    - Fixed: School Registration Front end phone, email and address save issue fixed
    - Fixed: Activity saved issue is fixed
    - Fixed: add period column to routes table
v10.3.1 [17-11-2023]
- Fixed: Update attendance sheet tables to use smaller font size.
* Fixed: study material api url parameter added.
* Added: Zoom api issue fixed