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SBurK - School Bus Tracker - Two Android Apps + Backend + Admin panels - SaaS

SBurK - School Bus Tracker - Two Android Apps + Backend + Admin panels - SaaS v3.3

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Version 3.3 19 Aug 23

  • The backend is fully integrated with Mapbox in addition to Google Maps. Now, you do not need a Google Maps account for both the backend and the apps.
  • Translated strings replace all hardcoded English words in the apps. Now, the apps are fully translated.
  • Fix some screens in the apps that were not prepared for RTL.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 3.2 17 May 23

  • Please check a demo video for the update here
  • Set the driver app’s routing navigation to on or off from the settings screen of the super admin in the backend.
  • In the settings screen in the driver app, a new screen is added to set the allowance of the app to access the location in the background on or off. This new screen is in accordance with Google’s new policy for accessing the location in the background.
  • In the driver app, the driver can set the order for pickup locations to be manual or auto. If manual mode is selected, the driver can reorder the parents by a new drag-and-drop screen from the settings screen. If the auto mode is selected, the app finds the best route. Please note that this option is available only when the app uses Google Maps, not Mapbox.
  • The notifications are fixed to work with Android 13.
  • A new screen is added to allow parents to interactively set the pickup/drop-off location on the Google map screen. The parent can either select the location on the map or enter an address, and the app finds the location of this address as a pickup/drop-off location. Please note that this option is available only when the app uses Google Maps, not Mapbox.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 3.1 5 November 22

  • Please check a demo video for the update here
  • Add a routing feature for the driver app. The driver app automatically selects the best path to pass through all pickup points to school in the morning route. In the afternoon, the driver app selects the best path that passes through all drop-off points also and the driver can choose the endpoint for his afternoon trip.
  • When the driver app selects a route, the route displayed in all parent apps is assigned to this driver in real-time.
  • When a parent marks his children absent, the driver route is automatically changed to remove the parent’s home from the trip.
  • When the driver moves along his route, the parts of the way that are visited are automatically disappeared from the map in both the drive and parent apps in real-time.
  • The driver can check in or out directly from his map screen by just tabbing on the parent home icon on the map.
  • In the backend, a new menu is added to the driver’s screen in the school admin panel. The menu is used to display all parents that are assigned to a driver with one click on this menu. This helps the school admin to easily re-assign parents to another driver.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 3.0 10 May 22

  • New addition to the plans. The school now can design its own custom plan with the desired number of drivers and number of seats (children) in the custom plan. The price of a driver and a seat is determined by the super admin. Note that, the custom plan created by a school is available only to this school only.
  • If the school designs and subscribes to a custom plan, then the school can add drivers or seats to the plan at any time. The school is charged in this case with the added number of drivers and seats only. Adding more seats will not extend the renewal date of the original custom plan.
  • Unfortunately, recently Google increase the price for using the maps on the apps. Since our system has heavy map usage for the apps only, this update integrates Mapbox for the apps, which is much cheaper. The Mapbox maps are available beside the Google maps. The super admin can control which type of maps will be used in the apps from the super admin panel.
  • The map in the driver app is always directed to the current bearing of the driver, as in popular navigation apps such as the google maps app.
  • To avoid spam while registering for a new school, this update adds reCAPTCHA to the school registration page.
  • The school telephone number is added to the school info that is required for registration. This will make it easier for super admin to contact schools with their telephone number
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.9 24 Apr 22

  • New business model for the SaaS system. The plan now has two constraints which are the number of seats (children) allowed in the plan in addition to the number of drivers (buses).
  • The super admin can manually charge the wallets of parents of any school under the condition that the school plan is a pay-as-you-go plan. The manual charging process can be done for individual parents or for a bulk selection of parents.
  • Add a new entry in the dashboard of super admin to manage the Apple in-app-purchase system that is used for charging the wallets of the parents from the iOS parent app.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.8 6 Apr 22

  • On April 1st, Google changed its privacy policy of accessing the sensitive APIs. This update makes the driver app comply with Google’s new privacy policy because the driver app collects the location in the background even when the app is closed. You can check the demo on the youtube video here . Also, you can use this video when uploading to Google play (as now Google asks for a demo video).
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.7 16 Mar 22

  • Add Google maps navigation option in the driver app for real-time traffic updates.
  • Make the backend more user-friendly by adding (add/delete/edit) at the bottom of the driver and parent pages to avoid scrolling up to save.
  • Add toggle button to show/hide password in the backend.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version 2.6 (MAJOR UPDATE) 14 Feb 22

  • Firebase OTP for authenticating drivers and parents. Note that, the check against the driver or the parent existence in the system is done with both Laravel and Google OAuth for best security practice.
  • When a driver checks in/out a student, the respective icon status change color so that it can be easy for the driver to click the right icon.
  • The translation for both apps is revisited as some screens were not translated before such as child log and driver log screen. Now all translated
  • Admob integration to both apps. The Ads visibility is controlled from the settings in the super admin panel, i.e., the super admin can disable the Ads from the apps from his panel.
  • Toggle satellite view and normal map view in both parent and driver apps.
  • Send notifications via SMS along with phone notifications. This option can be switched on or off from the super admin panel.
  • Now the system has a pay-as-you-go plan. By using this plan, the schools are not charged to use the system but parents do. The parents will pay to use the system and the cost will be determined by the number of children the parent has. The pay-as-you-go plan is fully configured by the super admin.
  • The parents now have a wallet system. Every parent can charge his wallet to pay for using the system. The wallet balance will be deducted when the pay-as-you-go plan is renewed.
  • Paytabs payment gateway is integrated with the system to cover the payments in Middle East countries.