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  • We appreciate everyone who shares their resources and those who send them to us to be shared on our forum.

    We try as much as possible to share untouched or original script without nulling them. But incase you need a null version contact us and our nulling team will advise.

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Maildoll - Email Marketing & SMS Marketing SaaS Application

Maildoll - Email Marketing & SMS Marketing SaaS Application v6.10.9

No permission to download

version 6.10.9

Bug Fixed
-- Campaign Unsubscribe users.
-- Minor Bugs fixed.
Bug Fixed
-- Paystack payment gateway.
-- Twilio SMS gateway issues.
-- Login Redirect issue.
-- Minor Bugs fixed.

Version 6.10.7

Bug Fixed
-- Neon theme checkout issues.
-- Payment gateways enable and disable.
-- Minor Bugs fixed.

Maildoll v6.10.5

Bug Fixed
-- Sender name in sent emails.
-- Agent Template builder
-- Minor Bugs fixed
version 6.10.4
New Feature
-- Template variables added

version 6.10.3
-- Minor Bug fixed

version 6.10.2
-- Notification mark as read
-- Contact form toggle
-- Other minor improvements

version 6.10.1
-- Fixed sent_emails not exists issue
-- Improved file uploads
-- Added Routes for Cron Jobs
-- Enabled Pro Editor
-- Other minor improvements

version 6.10.0
What's New:
-- Customization of SMTP server Title
-- Easy Access of Test Connection Email
-- Upgraded to laravel-10

-- Contact showing bug fixed
-- Speed optimize
-- Pro-Editor bug fixed
-- Whatsapp integration bug fixed

version 6.7.5

--Pro email template builder enabled