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Dragonbyte Donate - Add Dragonbyte Donate v3.4.0

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DragonByte Donate is a professional donation mod that allows admins to accept donations from any payment processor you have added to XenForo 2.


DragonByte Donate is ideal for forums that want to accept donations from their members. With the ability to create a variety of donation drives, an advanced recurring donation drive system, and support for multiple payment processors, you'll have options to suit every need.

You can display multiple donation drives on the front page of the forum, in a compact tabbed design or as individual blocks, depending on your preference.If you're using the PayPal integration, you even have the ability to set up different PayPal accounts for different donation drives - perfect if you want to run a charity drive for one of your active members. are going through hard times.

Last but not least, you also have the ability to add any currency you want! If you add more than one currency to your system, you select one as "Main Currency" currencies and any donations received in other will be converted to the main currency for display purposes (it will do not change the amount received by your payment processor) . However, the donation list will still show the currency the user has donated.

Key Features
Advanced Donation Drive: Donation Drive can be customized in several ways, including advanced recurring options, with display on the main page or sidebar, as well as a short and complete description ( will be displayed on the Donation Drive main page).

Multi-Currency Integration: You can define any number of currencies. The advanced currency conversion function automatically adjusts the donation amount of the donation drives no matter what currency you receive by automatically updating the exchange rate from the remote API.

Browseable Donation Log: The list of people who have donated can be found both through the AdminCP as well as the user interface. Donation lists respect "anonymous" users who can decide while donating.


* Display Version Number
* Enable Modification
* Reason For Turning The Modification Off
* Enable Compact Front Page Design
* Donation Notification Sender
* Minimum donation amount
* Pre-defined donations

Manage Donation Drives

* Title
* Short Description
* Full Description
* Active
* Display Order
* Goal Amount
* Start Date
* End Date
* Is Recurring
* Recurring Period
* Custom Recurring Period
* Custom Recurring Period (Day of the Month)
* Display On Front Page
* Display In Sidebar
* Additional User Groups (temporary or permanent)
* Allow Guest Donations
* Allow Anonymous Donations
* Is "Sandboxed"
* Alternate PayPal Email
* Note Minimum Length
* Note Maximum Length

Manage Currencies

* Currency ID
* description
* Active
* Display Order
* Denomination (Prefix)
* Denomination (Suffix)
* Decimals
* Primary Currency
* Exchange Rate

Donation Log

* Entries to show per page
* Username
* Start Date
* End Date
* Order By

Add New Donation

* Username
* Date
* IP Address
* Message
* Is Test Donation
* Is Public Donation
* Is Confirmed
* Transaction ID

Front Page Display

* Either tabbed or individual donation drives
* Sidebar integration
* Donate button opens an overlay where users fill in their donations and optional message
* Index page that shows all donation drives

Donation Drive Info Page

* Display the full donation drive description
* Donation lists
* Donate button opens an overlay where users fill in their donations and optional message
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