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DigiPaypal - Single Vendor Digital Marketplace

DigiPaypal - Single Vendor Digital Marketplace v1.3.0

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Download DigiPaypal - Single Vendor Digital Marketplace Codester 27333

Looking for Your Digital Download Marketplace then You are viewing Right Item at Right Place.
Only Simple 8 Line Setup & Script is yours, If 9th Line then We'll setup all thing on your Behalf
Just Upload the Digital Item in Easy way and Show your creativity to World and Earn Passive Income via Paypal.
Security : It is protected against SQL injection, XSS and other attack and your website will be safe.


Admin Features​

  • Dashboard
    • Top 5 Selling Item Graph
    • Top 5 Users by Purchase Graph
    • Today Analysis (Sale, Earning & Top Item)
    • Total Analysis (Total Sale, Total Earning & Top Item)
    • Item Analysis (Total Items, Active Items & Deactive Items)
    • User Analysis (Total Users, Active Users & Blocked Users)
  • Settings
    • Admin Email (Where Admin Receives Every Email)
    • Yes / No Option (Send Email to User whenever Admin Reply on their Comment)
    • Yes / No Option (Receive Email to Admin whenever New Comment on Any Item)
    • Yes / No Option (Receive Email to Admin whenever New Sale)
    • Yes / No Option (Send Email to Purchased Item by User whenever Admin Update Main File)
    • Yes / No Option (Receive Email to Admin whenever New Rating by User)
    • No. of Chances (How many Chance Admin give to User to Verify their Email)
    • Unblock Message (Means When Admin Unblock any User then This is the Email Body)
  • Payments History
    • Payment History like Date, User ID, Email, Name, Item Name, Item License, Amount, Transaction ID & Search.
  • Users
    • Search User
    • View User
    • Block User
    • View Total Purchase of Every User
  • Blocked Users
    • Search
    • View
    • UnBlock User & Send Automatically Email
  • Category (Like Parent)
    • Add
    • Edit
    • View
    • Search
    • Activate
    • Deactivate (Note : If Category Deactivated then All the Items, Subcategory & Child Category belongs to this Category will also be Deactivated & Hide from Users. )
  • Sub Category (Like Child)
    • Add
    • Edit
    • View
    • Search
    • Activate
    • Deactivate (Note : If Sub Category Deactivated then All the Items & Child Category belongs to this Sub Category will also be Deactivated & Hide from Users. )
  • Child Category (Like Grand Child)
    • Add
    • Edit
    • View
    • Search
    • Activate
    • Deactivate (Note : If Child Category Deactivated then All the Items to this Child Category will also be Deactivated & Hide from Users. )
  • Upload Item
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 1 (Item Name, Regular & Extended License Price, Main Category, Sub Category, Item Description & Item Tags )
    • Optional Fields Step - 1 (Child Category, Item Demo Link & Youtube Video Demo Link)
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 2 (Thumbnail Image, Preview Image & Main ZIP File)
    • Optional Fields Step - 2 (Screenshot ZIP File)
    • Bonus : You can save Your Item also in Draft
  • Edit Item
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 1 (Item Name, Regular & Extended License Price, Main Category, Sub Category, Item Description & Item Tags )
    • Optional Fields Step - 1 (Child Category, Item Demo Link & Youtube Video Demo Link)
    • Mandatory Fields Step - 2 (Nothing)
    • Optional Fields Step - 2 (Thumbnail Image, Preview Image, Main ZIP File & Screenshot ZIP File)
    • Bonus : You can save Your Item also in Draft
  • Items
    • Add Item
    • Search Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Make Featured / Unfeatured Item
    • Was Featured (Means Once Item is Featured in Lifetime A Star Button added for always along with Buy Item Button i.e. This Item was Featured )
    • Deactivate Item (Item was saved into Draft & Hide from Users)
    • Edit Item
    • Download (Thumbnail & Preview Image, Main File & Screenshot File)
  • Draft Items
    • It will show Only Deactivated Items
    • Add Item
    • Search Draft Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Edit Item
    • Download (Thumbnail & Preview Image, Main File & Screenshot File)
  • Top Selling Items
    • It will show Only Items which have at least 1 Sale
    • Add Item
    • Search Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Edit Item
  • Featured Items
    • It will show Only Featured Items.
    • Add Item
    • Search Item
    • View Item Category, Sub Category & Child Category Name
    • View Item Name, Tags, Sales, Rating, Rated By, Created & Updated Date & Status
    • Make Unfeatured Item
    • Was Featured (Means Once Item is Featured in Lifetime A Star Button added for always along with Buy Item Button i.e. This Item was Featured )
    • Deactivate Item (Item was saved into Draft & Hide from Users)
    • Edit Item
    • Download (Thumbnail & Preview Image, Main File & Screenshot File)
  • Comments
    • View User Id, Name & Comment
    • View Item Name & Item
    • Search
    • Unapprove Comment (Means Comment will hide from Item)
    • Edit Comment
    • Add Admin Reply on the Comment (Email will automatically send to User if Send Email function Enabled in settings.)
    • Note : If Admin replied then Comment will auto approve
  • Ratings
    • View User Id, Name, User Rating & Rating Comment
    • View Item Thumbnail, Name, Item, Total Rating & Total Rated By
    • Search
    • Edit Rating & Rating Comment
    • Revoke Right
    • Revoke Right means User cannot Edit Rating on Particular Item which They gave Rating Earlier.(They can only give Rating on any Other Purchased Item)
    • DeRevoke Right (Means User can Edit Rating of Particular Purchase Item)
    • Note : You can change anytime Revoke / DeRevoke Right of User on Particular Item
  • Pages
    • Create Unlimited Pages with Lots of Styles (Like Privacy Policy, About Us, etc.)
    • Mandatory Fields(Page Name, Page Slug & Page Content)
    • Page Slug : It must be Unique & Small Letters with no special Characters
  • Manage Pages
    • Search
    • Edit Page
    • View Page
    • Activate / Deactivate Page anytime.
    • Deactivated Page will automatically hide from Users.
    • If All Page was deactivated then Pages Option will automatically Hide from User Panel.
  • Others
    • Change Email
    • Change Password
    • Forgot Password (Recover via OTP)
    • Login
    • Logout

User Features​

  • Home Page
    • User Friendly URL
    • New Items (4 Latest Active Items will show)
    • Browse All New Item Link
    • Featured Items (4 Active Featured Items will show)
    • Browse All Featured Item Link
    • Top Selling Items (4 Items will show which have atleast 1 Sale)
    • Note: If you have No Sale of any Item then Top Selling Items automatically hide from Users Homepage
  • New Items
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Latest Active Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Featured Items
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Featured Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Category
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Category Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Sub Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Sub Category
    • User Friendly URL
    • 8 Sub Category Items will show
    • Load More Button if you have more than 8 Items
    • Pressing Load More Button will show again 8 Items and Load More Button automatically Hide if Item ends.
    • Filter By Child Category on Top Right Corner (No Page Reload, Ajax Loading with awesome Loader)
  • Item Page
    • User Friendly URL
    • Complete SEO of an Item
    • Item Name with Preview Image will show.
    • 3 Tabs will show(Ajax Tabs , No Page Reload i.e. Description, Comments & Review)
    • Description (Means Item Description like Overview, Demo Admin Link, How to use Items, etc. which is filled by Admin in Admin Panel.)
    • Comments (Comment of Users and Reply of Admin, Note : If User Logged in then Submit Comment Form will also show)
    • Review (Ratings & Rating Comment of Users.)
    • View Screenshot with awesome jQuery Plugin
    • Live Preview of Item inside in IFrame
    • View Youtube Video if Available (No Page Reload)
    • Change Amount by Selecting Regular License & Extended License
    • Item was Featured Tag with Buy Now Button (If Item is/was featured in lifetime)
    • Buy Now Button (Note : Non Logged in User will redirect to Login Page)
    • Awesome Social Share Button for Item (i.e. Whatsapp, Facebook & Twitter Share)
    • Facebook & Twitter share automatically Fetch Item Preview Image
    • Buy Now for Logged in User Redirect to checkout Page
    • Successfull Transaction Message will show after Purchase
    • After Purchase Item Main File will be available in Downloads for User
    • Automatically Send Email to Admin whenever New Sale if Admin enable Send Email Setting in Admin Panel
  • Pages
    • User Friendly URL
    • Show only Active Pages
    • Awesome Page view with Link Support & Line Colors which is saved by Admin.
    • Cannot view Page if Page was deactivated.
  • Item Search
    • User Friendly URL
    • Show only Active Item in Search with Load More Button
    • Item will show via Title and Item Tags matching.
  • Downloads
    • User Friendly URL
    • Search Purchased Items
    • Show only Purchased Items
    • If Item is Active Download File will be available.
    • Show Item Thumbnail, Item Name, Item Total Rating, User Rating, User Rating Comment
    • Give Rating
    • Edit Rating (If Admin don't Revoke Right, If Admin Revoke their Right then User cannot Edit Rating of This Item, They can only Edit Rating of Other Purchased Item )
  • Purchases
    • User Friendly URL
    • Search Purchased Items
    • Show only Purchased Items
    • View Item Thumbnail, Item Name, Transaction Id, Date & Amount of Purchased Items
  • Login
    • Ajax Login
    • Forgot Password(Recover via OTP with jQuery & Ajax, No Page Reload)
    • Ajax Change Email after Login
    • Ajax Change Password after Login
  • SignUp
    • Ajax SignUp
    • OTP Verification
    • No. of Chances to verify OTP which Set via Admin in Admin Panel.
    • Resend OTP
    • Cannot Do Anything Until User Verify OTP


Before starting to install, make sure you fulfill the following requirements:​

  • You can use this script on any live LINUX server.
  • Required PHP version in server >= 5.4.
  • Paypal Business Account


Documentation included in Purchased File
Any Problem Let me know Directly : codedaddyhelp@gmail.com
If you purchase Please Don't forget to Rate this Script. Your rating is not just only rating It's a huge motivation for our team to update this Item regularly.
First release
Last update
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