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Dairy Farm Management System

Dairy Farm Management System 20 June 2023

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Dairy Farm Management System is a web-based application that helps dairy farm owners and managers to efficiently and effectively manage their farm operations. With this system, users can:
- Manage the staff details, such as name, role, and schedule.
- Create and manage different types of colors and breeds for the cows.
- Manage the cow shade details, such as number, size, and ventilation.
- Manage the cow types details, such as cow, bull, calf
- Manage the supplier details, such as name, contact, and products.
- Manage the feed item's details, such as name, quantity, price, and nutritional value.
- Manage the feed time details, such as time, duration, and amount for each cow.
- Assign cows to staff members for feeding, milking, cleaning, and other tasks.
- Manage the vaccination details, such as name, date, dose, and effect for each cow.
The system is user-friendly, responsive, and secure. It can be accessed from any device with a browser and an internet connection.
The Dairy Farm Management System is designed to help dairy farm owners and managers improve their farm productivity, profitability, and sustainability. It is a comprehensive and convenient solution for all their farm management needs.


- Manage the staff details, such as name, role, and schedule.
- Create and manage different types of colors and breeds for the cows.
- Manage the cow shade details, such as number, size, and ventilation.
- Manage the cow types details, such as cow, bull, calf
- Manage the supplier details, such as name, contact, and products.
- Manage the feed item's details, such as name, quantity, price, and nutritional value.
- Manage the feed time details, such as time, duration, and amount for each cow.
- Assign cows to staff members for feeding, milking, cleaning, and other tasks.
- Manage the vaccination details, such as name, date, dose, and effect for each cow.
First release
Last update
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