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CS-Cart Multi-Vendor — eCommerce Marketplace Platform

CS-Cart Multi-Vendor — eCommerce Marketplace Platform v4.18.3

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CS-Cart 4.18.3 Changelog

[!] Design: Admin panel: Mobile view: On some pages, if no items were selected, the products, categories, and user pickers were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Design: Blocks: Scrolling blocks did not work correctly when using the TinyMCE wysiwyg editor. Fixed.

[!] Design: RTL: Next/prev buttons in the gallery were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.

[!] Design: UX/UI: Mobile view: Checkboxes were displayed incorrectly in pop-ups. Fixed.

[!] Export/Import: Products: Some product properties that can either be global or product-specific could be imported incorrectly if the imported file had an empty value for that property. Fixed.

[!] Mobile app: Push notifications did not respect the sound settings of the mobile device. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Order management: When editing an order paid by Stripe, it could not be saved without entering credit card data. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: Stripe Connect payments: Web hooks URL were created with an additional language, if the ‘Show additional language in the URL’ setting of the ‘SEO’ add-on was active. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Add-ons: PayPal Complete Payments (Multiparty): The conversion of the order amount did not work if the currencies of the order and the payment system were different. Fixed.

[!] Multi-Vendor: Vendors: Merge: The Vendor merge page was incorrectly highlighting the active menu item. Fixed.

[!] Notifications: Messages about out-of-stock products that were removed from the cart sometimes didn’t appear for customers after they signed in to their account. Fixed.

[!] Notifications: Notification status was displayed incorrectly due to the use of the PDO database driver. Fixed.

[!] Order management: The quantity of products with the same options was calculated incorrectly during order editing. Fixed.

[!] Orders: Admin panel: There were HTML elements with non-unique IDs on the order details page. This could have caused issues in working with JavaScript. Fixed.

[!] Payment methods: User groups: When creating a new payment method, existing user groups variants were not available for selection. Fixed.

[!] Product filters: The search bar may have been displayed for color filter options. Fixed.

[!] Products: Features: In some cases, feature variants were not added when cloned. Fixed.

[!] Promotions: Free bonus product was not added to the cart. Fixed.

[!] Shipping USPS: First-Class Package International Service was missing. Fixed.

[!] Shipping methods: For shipping methods with the “Real-time” rate calculation, the list of rate areas might not have been displayed. Fixed.

[!] Shipping methods: When saving changes, the list of rate areas could be cleared. Fixed.

[!] Themes: Layouts: Logos were created incorrectly when importing the layout. A PHP Fatal error was displayed if the current layout did not have a logo in the admin panel. Fixed.

[!] Ultimate: Add-ons: Warehouses: Products import into warehouses with the active “Set quantity of all products to zero” setting took a very long time with a large number of products. Fixed.

[!] Upgrade center: During the update process, PHP Warnings about including non-existent files could appear. Fixed.