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Xenforo Addons Categories Layouts v1.5.2

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With this add-on, you can show XFMG Categories in a very new and attractive way.

  1. Complete Style Properties to Customize every aspects
  2. Icon Chooser (Font Awesome + Glyphicon)
  3. Image Uploader
  1. In each Category of XFMG you can Choose to set Icon or Image.
  2. Icons can be set using a nice icon chooser from a long list of font awesome and glyphicon icons.
  3. Image can be easily uploaded directly in category icon edit page.
  4. Categories with Image will be displayed above the categories with icon or without anyone of them (to make them look neat and better)
  5. You can set how many categories per row should be displayed in 4 different windows sizes.
  6. There is an option to let you display a title bar above the list of categories to make it separated from media list
  1. There is an option called "Pick Latest Image as Category Image?". If you check it, then if a category has media uploaded, then the category image will be set automatically to the latest uploaded image in that category. anyway, if you manually set image from acp for that category, the image you set will be set as its image, and not the latest image inside that category.
First release
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