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Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News

Bicrypto - Crypto Trading Platform, Exchanges, KYC, Charting Library, Wallets, Binary Trading, News v4.3.8

No permission to download
Version 4.3.8 (24/04/2024)

New Features​

  • ICO Contributions:
    • Added ICO contribution processing on the admin side, including mailing notifications when payments are completed.


  • Transfer Process:
    • Patched the transfer process to prevent allowing numbers below 0.
  • Registration:
    • Fixed an issue where registration did not prefetch profile information in some cases.
  • BTC Withdrawals:
    • Patched the issue where BTC withdrawals were not functioning correctly.
  • Wallet Selection:
    • Fixed a rare issue where selecting the wallet type in various operations did not work as expected.
Version 4.3.7 (20/04/2024)

New Features​

  • User Management:
    • Added registration date to the users management page for better tracking.


  • Wallet PnL Cron:
    • Added a new task queue for the wallet PnL cron to improve performance and processing efficiency.


  • Futures Page:
    • Fixed a minor issue with the range of order input on the futures page.
  • Profile:
    • Patched an issue where the profile was not fetched after logging in with Google Authenticator.
  • Login/Logout:
    • Fixed an issue where the login process did not redirect to the user page after the first logout.
    • Patched a problem where the login/register buttons were not displaying in some cases.
  • Withdrawals:
    • Patched the withdraw amount input to allow numbers after the decimal point in steps.
  • Registration Page:
    • Fixed errors not displaying correctly on the registration page.
Version 4.3.6 (16/04/2024)

New Features​

  • Cron Task Management:
    • Added a new handler for cron tasks to prevent all tasks from stopping when one cron task encounters an error.
  • Binary Trading:
    • Added minimum and maximum trade limits to binary trading for better control and security.


  • API Security:
    • Improved API authentication security for enhanced protection.
  • Wallet Management:
    • Added a new handler for the deposit/withdraw/transfer wallet type selection step to hide fiat and funding options based on their conditions.
  • Performance:
    • Heavily improved the performance of the wallet PnL processing cron for faster and more efficient processing.


  • Notification Templates:
    • Fixed the issue where updating notification templates did not save changes.
  • P2P Offers:
    • Patched the issue where creating a P2P offer was sending to the wrong link.
  • FAQ Management:
    • Removed FAQ questions for categories without any FAQs after visiting a category that has FAQs.

Update Notes​

4.1.7 (06/19/2024)
  • Logo and Loading:
    • Improved logo link behavior based on frontend status in the environment configuration.
    • Enhanced logo loading status for better performance.
  • Settings:
    • Patched an issue with settings hydration to ensure proper functionality.
  • Page Transitions:
    • Enhanced page transitions with a new loading status between router start and completion.
  • Trade Page:
    • Improved coding quality of the trade page ticker.
    • Enhanced the hydration of markets on the trade page.
    • Improved the order book worker for better performance.
    • Disabled transitions when changing markets to prevent unnecessary loading.
  • KYC (Know Your Customer):
    • Fixed an issue preventing KYC submissions beyond level 1.
    • Patched an issue where admin KYC approval was adding an extra approved level.
    • Improved KYC submission process to prevent the sending of unnecessary documents.
    • Enhanced the UI of the admin KYC documents card.
4.1.6 (06/17/2024)
  • Orderbook:
    • Improved the UI of the orderbook for a better user experience.
  • Page Transitions:
    • Enhanced transitions on the e-commerce product and P2P offer pages.
    • Improved transitions for investment plans.
  • Plan Page:
    • Removed the plan text to provide more control over the title.
  • Fiat Deposits:
    • Added a fee calculator to the fourth step of the fiat deposit method.
    • Sensitized error messages when fetching spot wallet addresses in case of incorrect API credentials.
    • Patched an issue with adding data to custom fields in the fiat deposit method.
    • Fixed the fiat deposit process to show the wallet not found message in certain cases.
  • Custom Fields:
    • Patched the parsing of custom fields in the datatable form renderer.
  • E-commerce and P2P:
    • Patched the loading of products or offers for guests.
  • Spot Deposits:
    • Fixed websocket metadata issues for spot deposits.
    • Patched the spot deposit address to ensure it shows the correct network.
  • PnL Display:
    • Patched cases where the PnL was not displaying correctly.
4.1.4 (06/16/2024)
  • User Interface:
    • Patched the back button functionality on the wallet transfer second step.
    • Enhanced the dark mode UI on the login page.
    • Added a new shade (shade 1000) for the dark theme on the trade page.
    • Improved dark mode and card designs across multiple pages.
    • Upgraded the UI for investment plans.
    • Introduced new page transitions for all themes.
  • Installer:
    • Improved the installer for better setup experience.
  • Layouts:
    • Refactored layouts, moving all conditionals to lazy loading and enhancing caching.
  • SEO and Performance:
    • Improved SEO scores to 100% on many pages and above 90% on all pages.
    • Achieved 100% in best practices on many pages and above 90% on all pages.
    • Enhanced layout accessibility to 100% on many pages and above 90% on all pages.
    • Improved PWA scores to a green check mark.
  • PWA:
    • Added new logo settings for sizes 256, 384, and 512 to achieve maximum PWA score.
  • Dashboards:
    • Improved the positioning of header sections across all dashboards.
4.1.2 (06/14/2024)
  • Deposits:
    • Patched an issue with the tag connected to memo in deposits due to locale changes.
  • Affiliate Dashboard:
    • Added an affiliate link message for better communication and usability.
  • Frontend Performance:
    • Improved frontend hydration for smoother and faster page loads.
4.1.1 (06/13/2024)
  • Wallet Management:
    • Added ECO (Economic Value Added) to the wallet PnL cron.
  • Patches:
    • Fixed an issue with adding new FAQ questions.
    • Resolved a problem with fetching affiliate nodes.
    • Addressed a bug when creating new roles.
4.1.0 (06/13/2024)
  • Dark Mode: Enhanced dark mode for update details and extensions update pages.
  • UI Improvements:
    • Refined the UI of the extensions page.
    • Enhanced the activation handler on the extension page.
    • Updated the order details page UI for better user experience.
  • Descriptions: Provided detailed descriptions for all extensions.
  • Configuration:
    • Introduced a new environment configuration to set the default theme for new users.
    • Added a new environment configuration to enable or disable frontend access.
  • Cron Management:
    • Improved the cron manager to run elapsed or non-initiated crons on the first run.
    • Patched staking cron relations for better performance.
    • Improved the date format in staking crons.
    • Enhanced fiat currency cron to use Frankfurter in case of Open Exchange failure.
    • Improved the verification process of transactions in cron.
    • Added a handler to prevent transaction verification in case of invalid exchange connections.
    • Introduced a new worker for cron jobs using a repeater running on a Redis instance to offload tasks from the main thread.
    • Removed the need for crons to be added to VPS, as it now initiates the cron queue with server start on Redis instance using BullMQ.
  • Wallet Management:
    • Improved the wallet PnL calculator to include funding wallets.
    • Refined the naming convention for wallet PnL charts.
    • Enhanced wallet type and currency selector in staking management.
  • JSON Handling: Added a new JSON unescaper to handle invalid JSON data due to migration.
  • E-commerce:
    • Introduced a new page for e-commerce order details.
    • Added a new card to specify the type and details of downloadable items.
    • Changed the status of new downloadable orders to pending until a license is provided.
    • Added a new card for adding shipping addresses for pending physical products.
    • Included email details in shipping address for better communication with third-party deliveries.
    • Added a new method to assign order items to shipments directly from the order details page.
  • Error Handling: Improved error handlers and dark mode in the admin post editor.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Patched a minor issue in the staking duration relation with the pool.
4.0.9 (06/12/2024)
  • Introduced a new model for shipping addresses related to users and orders.
  • Added a new modal for entering shipping addresses on the product page when ordering physical products.
  • Fixed an issue where the amount was not regarded when ordering in eCommerce.
  • Added product type to product details.
  • Included new shipping address details on the order view page.
  • Enhanced the admin side to edit and view the shipping address structure on the eCommerce order page.
  • Added currency information to product cards in eCommerce.
  • Improved dark mode for the form builder and record viewer.
4.0.8 (06/12/2024)
  • Enhanced the UI of investment plan cards.
  • Improved CORS and preflight middleware.
  • Optimized router order in API processing to handle no-param routes first in nested folders with param folders.
  • Added a transaction/wallet relationship.
  • Improved dark mode UI for ecosystem blockchains.
  • Fixed holder issue in new blog posts for users.
  • Enhanced dark mode UI for new blog posts.
  • Improved z-index positioning for ListBox.
  • Fixed input fields not allowing the first decimal to be 0.
  • Removed paranoid setting from P2P offers main page.
  • Improved dark mode for support chat.
  • Enhanced the UI of the support ticket page.
  • Added conditional rendering of the funding wallet if the ecosystem extension is active in various modules such as P2P offers, P2P payment methods, affiliate conditions, AI investments, eCommerce products, forex plans, ICO tokens, staking pools, and wallet management.
  • Introduced a new conditional renderer for form items with options related to different item selections.
  • Fixed ICO notification showing undefined symbols.
  • Patched scrolling issues in markets on trade and binary trade pages.
  • Added the ability to update all sizes of Apple icons, Android icons, favicons, and MS icons.
  • Fixed binary markets switching from practice to non-practice on market changes.
  • Split currency/pair in exchange markets management for easier filtering.
  • Updated datatable rows to show a button instead of a dropdown if only one item is left.
  • Added an alert message when viewing different investment plans if the user has already invested in one.
  • Added conditional wallet type > currency in affiliate conditions, eCommerce products, forex plans, ICO tokens, and P2P offers.
  • Fully translated the platform into Russian.
  • Improved dark mode and cancel buttons on deposit/withdraw/transfer and forex deposit/withdraw pages.
  • Enhanced dark mode on the eCommerce product page.
  • Removed default and full logos.
4.0.7 (06/10/2024)
  • Fixed the issue preventing the update of extension statuses.
4.0.6 (06/10/2024)
  • Enabled fetching of all pair tickers immediately upon connection, then monitoring via WebSocket.
  • Improved sidebar menu display on small screens.
  • Added over 400 new components for the frontend editor.
  • Temporarily disabled frontend editor element settings.
  • Introduced new parsers: HTML parser, node parser, HTML cleaner, HTML attributes parser, and classes parser.
  • Dynamically converted all HTML to components.
  • Added image upload popup.
  • Added link editor popup.
  • Added SVG editor popup.
  • Introduced a new button selector with functionalities to submit, send emails, and visit URLs.
  • Automatically parsed label attributes and converted them into labels for the corresponding target IDs that are transformed into components in the nodes.
  • Added support for forms in the frontend editor.
  • Improved dark text colors in the top navbar.
  • Made the top navbar sticky on the frontend page.
  • Enabled profile prefetching after KYC submission.
  • Improved KYC application checks on the profile page.
  • Added a view path check in the data table dropdown.
  • Enabled conditional rendering of cards in KYC applications based on template items for specific levels.
  • Fixed practice mode not showing the balance on the binary trade page.
  • Fixed rise/fall buttons being disabled in practice mode if no balance is found in the real wallet.
  • Added an eye button to show the password on the register page.
  • Added a live password strength test before submission on the register page.
  • Regularly updated all node modules and cleaned up redundant modules.
4.0.5 (06/09/2024)
  • Applied a minor hydration patch on the provider page.
  • Introduced an endpoint to identify missing currencies post market activation.
  • Implemented a new alert system to notify admins of missing currencies.
  • Added a one-click function to enable all missing currencies.
  • Enhanced the initial rendering of the exchange provider page.
  • Refined trade page eco settings.
  • Optimized ranger slider key properties.
  • Improved KuCoin ticker data handling.
  • Fixed the display of pending projects in the ICO section.
  • Upgraded the KYC application form generator.
  • Resolved market info display issues in the KuCoin provider.
  • Corrected orderbook issues in the KuCoin provider.
  • Fixed the deposit identification problem for KuCoin in spot wallets.
  • Enhanced routing for database view actions.
  • Added an eye button on the login page to reveal the typed password.
  • Made market rows clickable with a hover effect.
  • Improved the user interface of staking pools.
  • Applied on delete cascade to all models for permanent delete operations.
  • Integrated Bull for task queue management.
  • Converted all email tasks to Redis for faster action processing.
  • Improved MLM settings fetching.
  • Fixed MLM rewards processing issues.
  • Added a name error handler for eCommerce category migration.
  • Set default wallet balance and PNL for new wallets.
4.0.4 (06/08/2024)
  • Added a new handler for missing emails in system health checks.
  • Fixed ecosystem tokens not returning parsed fee objects by default.
  • Improved handling of nested objects in JSON within datatables.
  • Renamed "Support Center" to "Support" for better top navbar sizing.
  • Enhanced the UI for listboxes and comboboxes.
  • Fixed ecosystem issue preventing token deposits with custodial wallets; auto-unlock on confirmation.
  • Improved handling of address locking/unlocking for custodial wallets.
  • Enhanced error handling when all custodial wallets are locked.
  • Improved dark mode for selects, switches, and blog comments.
  • Added pagination to blog comments.
  • Applied new styling to slimscroll in dark mode.
  • Enhanced images and UI on the binary trade page.
  • Fixed KuCoin currency import issues.
  • Improved dashboard store loading of settings.
4.0.3 (06/07/2024)
  • Enhanced the installer.
  • Added an auto initial SQL importer.
  • Fixed multiple wallet fetches on the ecommerce product page if the wallet is not found.
  • Fixed multiple wishlist and product fetches on the product page.
  • Corrected user role assignment issues.
4.0.2 (06/07/2024)
  • Added an extensions switch for status changes.
  • Fixed settings not updating logos.
  • Resolved logos not changing in live mode.
4.0.1 (06/06/2024)
  • Introduced new light/dark mode gradient colors for page headers.
  • Improved dark mode for various page titles.
  • Enhanced login verification via token.
  • Improved responsiveness of ICO cards.
  • Updated dark mode tooltip colors.
  • Enhanced UI for locales in light/dark modes.
  • Adjusted positions of Lottie animations in headers.
  • Upgraded Next.js, Framer Motion, and removed redundant packages.
  • Replaced packages with lighter alternatives for better performance.
  • Updated Next.js configurations with the latest improvements.
  • Added new locales: ja, ka, kk, km, kn, ko, it, iv, mk, ml, mr, ms, mt, nb, pa, pl.

V4.0.0 Update Notes (06/06/2024)

New Backend Features

  • MashServer Framework: Built on top of uws20 for superior performance and scalability.
  • Advanced Logger: Featuring categories, levels, and color-coded logs in a fully readable and filterable format.
  • Swagger Documentation: New generator and parser for comprehensive API documentation.
  • Validation Gate: Ensures secure handling of body, params, and queries with sanitization.
  • Automatic Route Generator: Creates GET, POST, PUT, DELETE routes from API structures.
  • Request Parsers: Conform to Swagger parameters and body configurations.
  • Roles Manager: Efficient role management with caching.
  • CLI Deployment Loader: Displays task durations for better deployment insights.
  • Sequelize ORM: Complete database rework for proper naming conventions and performance.
  • UUID Implementation: Transitioned all IDs to UUIDv4 for consistency.
  • Lazy Loading Routes: Reduces server deployment times significantly.
  • Middlewares: Enhanced authentication and rate limiting mechanisms.
  • Authentication System: Session and cookie-based authentication for improved security.
  • Edge Server: Live token validation on the frontend for enhanced security.
  • JWT Management: Using JOSE for robust JWT generation and verification.
  • Redis for Tokens: Faster and more efficient authentication processes.
  • WebSocket Generator: Subscriptions and message handling for real-time communication.
  • WebSocket Authentication: Token refreshing on WebSocket sessions.
  • Database Singleton: Singleton instance for Sequelize to boost performance and enable live database syncing.
  • Validation Module: Robust validation rules and pretty error message generation with avj.
  • Live Notifications: Real-time notifications via WebSocket from API endpoints.
  • Support and Admin Notifications: New notifier system for better communication.
  • SQL to JSON Parsing: Simplifies migrations with efficient parsing.
  • Migration Module: Facilitates seamless transition from v3 to v4, relinking relations and converting IDs to UUIDs.
  • Task Manager: Efficient throttling with a new task manager.
  • Token Generators: New methods for generating tokens.
  • Online User Identification: Admins can identify online users using a WebSocket central system.
  • Swagger Schema Generators: Automatically generate schemas for Swagger documentation.
  • Data Handling Enhancements: Improved filtering, pagination, and sorting across all models and queries.
  • Nested Filtering: Support for filtering and sorting by nested content.
  • Paranoid System: Restore or permanently delete records with an initial trash system.
  • Comprehensive Bulk Operations: Handlers for bulk status updates, deletions, and restorations.
  • Token Regeneration: 14-day refresh token validity from session ID.
  • Wallet System Overhaul: Addresses for deposits and withdrawals requested on demand.
  • Deposit and Withdrawal Handlers: Comprehensive handling for various wallet types, including FIAT, SPOT, and ECO.
  • Payment Gateways: Support for PayPal and Stripe for live deposit validation.
  • Funds Transfer Logic: Seamless transfer of funds between all wallet types.
  • Binary Trading Logic: Real-time validation with a WebSocket endpoint.
  • Market Management: Admins can import and enable markets with new logic.
  • Cron System: Efficient task automation with a new cron system.
  • Authentication Systems: Live reCAPTCHA v3 validation and Google authentication.
  • Wallet Authentication: SIWE (Sign-In with Ethereum) integration.
  • Registration Logic: Email verification required for access.
  • Email OTP Template: New reset template for email OTPs.
  • Admin Analysis Manager: Comprehensive analysis tools for various models.
  • Database Backup/Restore: New modules for efficient database management.
  • Log Monitor: Enhanced logging with filtering, pagination, and sorting.
  • Notification and Management Enhancements: Live updates and management for notifications and user records.
  • Exchange Provider Testing: New module for testing exchange providers.
  • Provider Balance Check: Endpoints for checking balances on provider sites.
  • Fee Calculator: Efficient calculation of collectable fees.
  • i18n Wrapper: Auto-converts strings for translation with necessary imports and definitions.
  • Shared Types: Consistent types shared between backend and frontend.
  • i18n Handler: Supports 64 locales with different fonts.
  • Data Table: Comprehensive handling of data tables with live updates and multi-field filtering.
  • Notification and Announcement Panels: Live-updating panels for notifications and announcements.
  • UI Enhancements: Improved UI with guest, user, and admin menus.
  • Live Search: Menu and collapsible item search for better navigation.
  • Layouts: New sidebar, floating sidebar, and navigation bar layouts.
  • Locale Storage: Locale preferences stored in localStorage and cookies.
  • Page Management Rules: Per-page management rules for better control.
  • Analytics Support: Integration with Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
  • Trading Page Updates: Improved layout with dark/light mode support and real-time updates.
  • Markets Card: Displays tickers for both provider and ecosystem markets.
  • AI Investment Card: Quick access to AI investments on the trading page.
  • Custom Charting Library: Enhanced integration with the new layout.
  • WebSocket Ecosystem: Endpoints for charts, order books, tickers, trades, and live order updates.
  • Binary Trading: New page with live order previews and a comprehensive dashboard.
  • Wallet Management: New page for managing wallets with deposit, withdraw, and transfer wizards.
  • Forex Wizards: New deposit and withdrawal wizards for forex trading.
  • Dashboards: New dashboards for staking, forex, MLM, and ecommerce.
  • Blog System: Dynamic and responsive blog system with a new comment system.
  • Investment Pages: Comprehensive management and analysis tools for ICO investments, forex, and general investments.
  • Affiliate Rewards: Management and analysis for user affiliate rewards and referrals.
  • Support Page: New page with a live WebSocket endpoint for user support.
  • P2P Management: Payment methods, trades, and orders management for P2P transactions.
  • Ecommerce Enhancements: Shipping and delivery management, downloadable generator, and order history management.
  • System Health Check: Comprehensive health check with error reports for the admin dashboard.
  • Media Monitor: New media monitor with deletion capabilities.
  • Uploads Modifier: Controls image sizes and converts them to WebP for optimal performance.
  • Live Migration Monitoring: WebSocket endpoint for live migration monitoring of record changes.
  • Settings Page: Live updates for the settings page.
  • KYC Control: New KYC control and template rendering in the user profile page.
  • 2FA Control: Enhanced control of 2FA in the user profile page.

New Features

  • Page Builder: Introduced a new page builder with drag-and-drop, fully resizable, and responsive content generation, supporting dark/light mode.
  • Container Element: Comprehensive control over dimensions, display type, gap, grid, alignment, justify, margins, paddings, and colors in both modes.
  • Element Support: Enhanced support for text, link, input, checkbox, textarea, tag, button, image, and video elements with full editability.
  • UI Library Support: Integration with Flowbite, Flowrift, HyperUI, Meraki-Light, Preline, and Tailblocks UI libraries, all converted to fully editable forms.
  • Import/Export: Easily import and export encoded page content.
  • Dynamic Content Rendering: Live updates for frontends utilizing Next.js services.
  • Lazy Component Rendering: Load components as needed for optimal performance.
  • Editable Blocks: Over 50 fully editable initial blocks, with potential for hundreds more.
  • Undo/Redo Functionality: Easily revert changes or redo actions in the live page builder.
  • Menu Switcher: Seamless switching between user and admin menus.
  • ICO and Ecommerce Dashboard: Conditional display with an enhanced UI and animation for dashboards with more than six items.

V3.5.7 to v3.7.2 unlisted

Update Notes - Version 3.5.6​

Payment System Enhancements​

  • Implemented support for PayPal automatic deposits, streamlining the funding process.

Connection Stability​

  • Enhanced the reconnection manager for providers, ensuring better reliability and uptime.

Investment Module Fixes​

  • Patched an issue with investment currencies not displaying titles, improving user interface clarity.
  • Resolved an issue in admin approval of withdrawals due to recent API changes by KuCoin, restoring functionality.

Permission Control Additions​

  • Added permissions for the creation of staking pools and setting their durations.
  • Implemented permissions for FAQ entries creation and category access, bolstering content management.

Security and Compliance Updates​

  • Introduced validation checks for user status (banned or suspended) during login attempts, enhancing security.
  • Expanded Know Your Customer (KYC) restrictions across various modules:
    • Enforced on order and orders cards in the trade page, binary trading page, forex accounts, and AI trade page if KYC is not approved.
    • Extended KYC requirements to ICO order page and all wallets' deposit/withdrawal functionalities.
    • Applied KYC conditions to the shop product ordering model and introduced a new forex transactions page.

User Experience Improvements​

  • Refined the dark mode interface on the ICO order page for better visibility and aesthetics.
  • Improved the exchange wizard by removing deprecated currencies, simplifying the user experience.

System Patches​

  • Patched forex transaction mail variables for consistent communication.
  • Fixed an issue where an insufficient balance error was displayed incorrectly when creating new forex investments.

Update Notes - Version 3.5.5​

Localization and Validation Improvements​

  • Patched minor issues in i18n that prevented pages from loading.
  • Added new validation for forex currency generation to enhance integrity.
  • Removed existing currencies from the 'Create New Currencies' model, streamlining the process.

Editor and Template Fixes​

  • Patched custom page editor not setting initial values properly, ensuring correct data prefill.
  • Patched KYC template edit page not loading initial values, improving admin efficiency.
  • Patched KYC template update function preventing the usage of the same template title if the title was not changed.
  • Patched KYC template editing to enable the addition of custom fields.

Referral and Rewards System​

  • Patched removal of user that has referral nodes, preserving network integrity.
  • Patched referral registration if MLM system enabled is unilevel, maintaining consistency.
  • Patched investments not giving rewards, ensuring proper incentive distribution.
  • Patched referral rewards processing only applying percentage calculations and not condition-based percentage calculation, optimizing reward distribution.

Security Enhancements​

  • Sensitized all error responses to hide the providers' text from responses, improving privacy.
  • Patched issue in closing support tickets, ensuring proper case resolution.

Wallet and Exchange Improvements​

  • Patched issue in Kucoin wallet generation due to an error in their docs on how wallets are generated using chain IDs.
  • Improved error handling of wallet generation, enhancing reliability.
  • Improved Binance exchange wizard for a smoother user experience.

Update Notes - Version 3.5.1​

Licensing and Localization Updates​

  • Licensing System Patch: Fixed issues within the licensing system to ensure proper validation and activation processes.
  • Translation Enhancements: Added over 830 translation strings to broaden multilingual support.
  • New Locale Addition: Introduced the Brazilian locale to cater to Portuguese-speaking users.

API and Wallet Improvements​

  • API Validation for Fiat Withdrawal: Improved API validation processes for fiat wallet withdrawals, enhancing security and accuracy.
  • Forex and Fiat Wallets Patch: Resolved an issue where forex services were not loading fiat wallets correctly.

Update Notes - Version 3.4.9​

Theme and Design Enhancements​

  • Themes Padding Improvement: Improved padding across all themes for a comprehensive visual overhaul.

Investment and User Interface Fixes​

  • Investment Plans Balance Patch: Fixed an issue where investment plans on the user side were not displaying the correct balance.
  • KYC and Support Image Upload Patch: Addressed and patched issues with uploading images in KYC and support sections.

Cron and API Management​

  • Cron Execution Limits: Added limits to cron jobs to prevent manual triggering of crons via the API, enhancing system security and stability.
  • Like
Reactions: dprinceabu

Decryption Key: [HIDE] [/HIDE]

Update Notes - Version 3.4.8​

Template and Composables Fixes​

  • Default Templates Display Patch: Fixed an issue where default template data was not being displayed.
  • Error Handlers Improvement: Enhanced all error handlers across composables for better reliability and user feedback.

Wallet and Payment Corrections​

  • Fiat Wallets Calculation Fix: Resolved an issue in fiat wallets where the total amount to pay was incorrect if the percentage fee is 0 but a fixed fee is applied, preventing the duplication of the amount to pay.
  • ICO and Staking Pools Balance Display Patch: Patched a display issue where ICO contributions and staking pools would not show the correct spot wallet balance if an ecosystem of the same wallet currency is available.

Update Notes - Version 3.4.7​

Patches and Fixes​

  • Toaster Messages Patch: Addressed issues with toaster messages following API changes.
  • Profile Photo Update Patch: Fixed the profile photo update functionality.
  • AI Investments Management: Added the ability to cancel, refund, and fix broken AI investments.
  • Exchange License Activation Fix: Patched a minor issue in the exchange provider license activation response.

UI/UX Enhancements​

  • Exchange Currencies Management: Improved the UI/UX for managing exchange currencies.
  • Shop Categories Alignment: Improved alignment and UI/UX of shop categories.

Exchange and Wallet Improvements​

  • Currency Display Patch: Fixed an issue causing disabled currencies to be displayed to the user.
  • Kucoin Wallet Generation Patch: Addressed an issue where wallets were not being generated in Kucoin for BNB/BEP20 chains.

Performance and Documentation Adjustments​

  • Stripe IPN Removal: Replaced h3 stripe IPN with uws stripe for better performance.
  • API Docs Update: Hidden upload and IPN endpoints from API documentation for clarity.

Frontend and Custom Pages​

  • Custom Page Loading Patch: Removed the loading image on custom pages if none is available to streamline the user experience.
  • New Header Design for Custom Pages: Added a new header design for custom pages when no image is uploaded, enhancing the visual appeal.

Update Notes - Version 3.4.4​

Frontend Builder Enhancements​

  • Unused CSS Purge: Added new functionality to remove unused CSS from projects.
  • CSS Minification: Implemented CSS minification to save a new minified and purged version after frontend edits.
  • Selective JS Loader: Added a new JS loader that only loads necessary scripts based on selectors and sections used, skipping unneeded JS.

Performance and UI Improvements​

  • Frontend Performance: Made significant enhancements to frontend loading and interaction speed.
  • Dashboard UI: Improved the user interface of the dashboard for better user experience.
  • Animated SVGs Optimization: Optimized all animated SVGs for a substantial performance increase (reduced size from 600kb to 10kb).
  • Support Chat Code Quality: Enhanced the coding quality and performance of the support chat feature.
  • Blog Post UI/UX: Improved the single post page interface and user experience.
  • Related Articles: Added a feature to display related articles on blog post pages.
  • Blog Sidebar: Introduced a new sidebar for the blog post pages.
  • Social Media Sharing: Included the ability to share blog posts on social media platforms.
  • Top Navigation Layout: Added a new layout option with a top navigation bar.
  • Profile Dropdown: Implemented a new profile dropdown menu for all layouts.
  • Layout Enhancements: Made comprehensive improvements across all layout designs.
  • Page Transition: Added a new, smoother page transition effect.
  • Randomized Animated SVGs: Introduced a component to randomize animated SVGs among similar images in the same category.
  • Animated SVG Collection: Added 751 new animated SVG images with full support for dark/light modes.
  • Performance Tools Integration: Integrated Partytown for JS execution in web workers, Fontaine for performance enhancement, and Critters for generating critical CSS during bundling.

Patches and Improvements​

  • Frontend Builder Loading Patch: Fixed an issue preventing the frontend builder from loading updated HTML code upon saving.
  • Unified Navigation Menus: Consolidated all navigation menus into a single file for better manageability across layouts.
  • Image Upload Logic: Moved image uploading logic from H3 to UWS
  • Blog Typography: Updated the typography design for the blog.
  • Static Footer: Added a new static footer in the top navbar layout.
  • Admin Dashboard Analytics: Introduced a new system analytics page for detailed CPU, RAM, and storage usage.
  • UWS Body Extractor: Enhanced the body extractor functionality in UWS.
  • API Documentation Schema: Improved the API documentation schema for clarity.
  • Standardized Responses: Updated all API responses to conform to a standardized schema.
  • Redundant File Removal: Eliminated all unnecessary files to streamline the project.
  • Nuxt Image Middleware: Upgraded the Nuxt image middleware for better performance.
  • OTP Config UI: Enhanced the One-Time Password configuration page interface.
  • Update Page UI/UX: Improved the updating page's user interface and experience.
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Reactions: dprinceabu
Version 3.0.4 Sep 25 2023:
- added Redis installer and startup enabler in the automated installation tool
- patched wallets subtraction by admin can subtract balance below 0
- removed redundant seeder of role permissions relationship that caused admin to have duplicate permissions
- Patched AI orders not showing on active investments after starting a new investment
- patched charting 6 hours timeframe not showing any candles
- improved /uploads/ endpoint to show error 404 instead of 500
- patched KYC templates bulk editor tooltip naming
- removed menu editor from menus until further development
- added support to the collapsable theme
- patched user's first support message sent appears as if the admin sent it
- added wallets to collapsable theme
- improved collapsable error handling if no icon is set for the submenu
- improved deposit gateways to only show for supported currencies
- patched deposit page if no gateway nor any methods were found
- added a new view for cases where no gateway or deposit method was found in the user deposit page
- improved AI trading dashboard UI/UX for phones
- patched trading pages not changing precision when changing pairs
- patched charting central web socket to prevent closing client socket on timeframe change
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Reactions: dprinceabu